
Archive for April, 2016

Offer ends Mother’s Day May 8, 2016

Help mom turn back the clock (it turns yours back too!) with the Enfuselle Skin care: Nutrition Therapy skin care Kit: ONLY $187! 


The Enfuselle skincare line renews, brightens and evens skin tone, while encouraging natural cell turnover. The line contains a triple-patented Vital Repair+ Antioxidant Complex that fights free radical damage and includes the following ingredients:  Vitamin E, C, and A, panthenol, grape seed extract, superoxide dismutase and beta-glucan.  It also contains a unique botanical ingredient that works like an alphahydroxy acid (AHA), but without the irritation.

In 28 Days clinical studies confirmed…

*665% increase in skin firmness

*421% reduction in the appearance of wrinkles

*88% reduction in fine lines

Plus get a FREE GIFT…give yourself a natural lift today! One box of Pomegranate flavored OR Green Matcha tea.

Picture1I hate to say how old I am, unless someone says how good my skin looks. I tell them it is the Enfuselle Skin Care line! It’s awesome, I have very sensitive skin and because of this line, my skin is firm, soft with few wrinkles.

Turn back the clock as you face the world and be proud! Wonderful gift for your mom and you!


Email me at diana@zestylifenyc.com to order.

Live Life With Zest,


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Free shipping for orders over $75. Offer ends April 30, 2016

Orders over $150 also receive a FREE Gift! (see below)


Allergy Relief

While I was in my mid 30’s I was unable to wear eye make up. It was devastating. My eyes were very sensitive and no matter what the brand of eye make up, I had watery itchy eyes and a rash on my eyelids. This went on for over a year. My babysitter, who was getting a degree in marine biology pointed out that toxic chemicals in everyday cleaning products I was using was causing me problems. I was skeptical but desperate.

She explained that the chemicals were negatively affecting my immune system and I was having an allergic reaction. So I put all my cleaners in a box and bought the Get Clean Kit. Within a week my eyes improved, I especially loved the Basic H2. I could use it for windows, surface areas, glasses and was easy on my skin. It was so effective and so economic. One bottle equals 5,800 bottles of Windex type cleaners. The laundry products made my wash white,  and the Scour Off Paste works well for cleaning pots and pans. I enjoyed cleaning!

Weight Loss

Did you know that household toxins can interfere with weight loss/management and make you fat? Dr. Pamela Hamilton, MD, Phd, who specializes in metabolism found a connection between the chemicals in household products we use daily PLUS those used to grow our foods and a shocking increase in percentage of weight gain.

What these chemicals do is damage our body’s natural slimming mechanisms. How to we reduce the damage? There are 4 Principles. Click here to read more.

The  best program I have found is the Fresh Start Cleanse, a 5-week program whose purpose is to cleanse and support the process of eliminating chemicals that can damage the body.

Here is the info. This is an exciting program. People find it easy to fit into their life. I’s effective, they look radiant (I have heard that word more than once), and people sleep well!

The next 5-week challenge starts May 16, although you can begin any time.

Request to join the Zest Again, Fresh Start Cleanse private Facebook group and see the progress people have made so far! Email me for more info at dianamaltz@gmail.com.

The same chemicals that affect weight management can also affect the immune system in a more extreme way than allergies. Recently, a report came out of the connection between bleach and breast cancer.

Would you like to reduce your risk?

Order a Get Clean Kit and experience cleaning in a whole new healthy and economic way. Can you help me share this with 30 families by April 30th? Buy the kit plus spend another $51 and Get this FREE GIFT! Now through April 28th we’ll give you free Basic H2 Organic Super Cleansing Wipes  when you purchase $150 or more in Shaklee products.


WANTED: Entrepreneur who appreciates unlimited income!

Wanted: an entrepreneur who has dedication and passion for helping others. This can lead to Shaklee Star treatment, gifts, and recognition in Orlando (next convention) during the global Shaklee Live Event in August. I am looking for someone who is ready NOW! #LiveAmazing #ShakleeEffect


Live Life With Zest,

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Special: Free Shipping on orders over $75. Offer ends April 15th

Check out the Customer rewards program I am starting. For any successful referral, you’ll get $25 in Shaklee bucks!


Are you ready for a Fresh Start? I was, and I decided to take the challenge! Here are 3 reasons you should too.

1. I can breathe!

Spring is allergy season. The number of people suffering with allergies, bronchitis and asthma are on the rise in all age groups. Allergies, bronchitis and asthma are caused by external irritants but why do some people react and other people don’t. The answer to that is very good news!

The answer is: Boost your immune system and you won’t react to those irritants. One of the best ways to boost the immune system is with a Fresh Start Cleanse Program. What this 5 week program does is remove the foods that trigger the body problems that effect our immune system. The focus IS on eating real, nutritious foods and taking pure and effective herbal supplements. The supplements support the body as you cleanse for the first 5 days.

2. I have no more arthritic pains!

It seems the pains are getting worse as I get older. I hear this often from other people. Not only that, I had bloating, was out of shape and my energy was very low! This was not about getting older. The Fresh Start Cleanse can begin to turn this all around because your health is built as the cellular level. One client said how he thought the program would hurt! Now, he says how easy this was to fit into his life. He no longer has digestive issues, his pains are gone and his energy has sky rocketed! He has 3 more weeks and can’t wait to see what other benefits he can experience!

3. I have lost 20 pounds!

I have a wedding to go to in 3 months. I would love to lose 20 pounds and keep it off. I am so tired of just drinking smoothies and trendy diets and then I put the weight back on. Testimony: In the first 3 weeks I lost 14 pounds in weight, 3 inches off my chest and 3 inches of my hips and 2 from my waist. All through this program never once did I feel hungry. In fact it’s increased my appetite for healthy food and given me a new sense of appreciation for vegetables which I already loved. I have 2 more weeks to go and 6 more pounds will be easy.

What is the Fresh Start Cleanse?

Is a comprehensive 7-day cleanse followed by a 4-week health building program based on proven scientific principles!

The first week is an elimination diet with pure Shaklee supplements, you can lose from 4-11 pounds. In the remaining 4 weeks we’ll introduce foods, supplements and smoothies that boost your metabolism, keep your weight off and boost your energy.

Here is a link to a video that will explain more. The password is fresh start.

You can start the Fresh Start Cleanse anytime. The Challenge (with prizes!) begins every 5 weeks. You can start today, or the next one begins on May 16th.

You’ll be able to pick from one of these great prizes!

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Copy of cleanse flyer

You can also join us on our private Facebook group called Zest Again, Fresh Start Cleanse for community, inspiration and accountability! Contact me for details. diana@zestylifenyc.com or 216.526.5496

WANTED: Entrepreneur who appreciates residual income!

Wanted: an entrepreneur who has dedication and passion for helping others. This can lead to Shaklee Star treatment, gifts, and recognition in Orlando (next convention) during the global Shaklee Live Event in August, I am looking for someone who can’t wait! #‎LiveAmazing #‎ShakleeEffect


Live Life With Zest,


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