
Posts Tagged ‘healthy’

Happy cheering celebrating success woman at beautiful beach suns

Special: free shipping for orders over $75. Offer ends June 17th. Call or email for other special deals this summer!

It is finally getting warm and I am so excited about all the activity! I love picnics, parties, seeing family and friends and travel. We have some great trips to look forward to. I just went to Buffalo NY, Miami is next then Fort Worth, Orlando and in the fall, Zurich.

I teach fitness, and keeping in shape is so much more fun in the warm weather and I do push myself with the nice weather. I have a great life! My birthday comes amongst all the excitement, and so I have been doing some reflection and contemplating on how to look and feel 10 years younger. I’m a little shocked by the number, so I am sharing with you my plan and will suggest these steps to my clients. Who doesn’t want to look and feel fabulous especially in the summer?

Step 1: Make a decision to get healthy and stay healthy. Do not get carried away by all the festivities. It is very difficult to get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat when we dine out so often. In addition, in the summer, We tend to eat more, try new foods and drink more. Consider this: just one beer every day can add a pound every 10 days. That can really add up.  Decide to omit one indulgence every day that adds 300 calories and you have LOST 1 GREAT pound every 10 days! How easy is that? (My indulgence was always a peanut butter cup.)

Step 2: Commit to filling in those gaps with a good supplement program. What to take? So many years ago, I had a very dramatic change in my health when I started on a Shaklee supplement program. I was a very unhealthy nurse in my 20’s, getting the flu more often than I was well. A very kind person had me fill out an assessment of symptoms and recommended a Shaklee program based on what my body was telling me. What was profound about that exercise was I gained knowledge about some amazing natural options.

I regularly refer back to that assessment to see what I can do naturally for pain, allergies, PMS. Over the past 28 years, the results from supplements surpassed my expectations.

Step 3: Reset your body in 5 days. We all get off track and then we don’t feel good in our clothes, we have pain, we think foggy, or can’t sleep well. Having experienced a reset,  I can say I just love how I feel by day two. This 5-day reset allows you to reduce cravings and get rid of that bloat while feeling satisfied! You drink 3 Shaklee Life Plan Smoothies a day and take the Vitalizer Strip plus graze on vegetables, fruit and some protein. It’s only 5 days and it just turns your life right around again!

Step 4: Get into action. No matter how busy you are, plan your exercise time. It isn’t selfish or a time waster. We now know how vital it is to walk, run, bike, play tennis, and do cardio types of exercise everyday. Keep moving. Your heart muscle loves to be challenged so it can stay strong. Resistance exercises add skeletal muscle and can be as easy as planks, wall squats, wall push ups, the triceps dip exercise on a chair. Also, yoga is fabulous because it uses your own body weight to build muscle. Even if you do exercise a little now, continually challenge yourself. It is not only good for the body, it is good for the mind!

Olympian Margaux Isaksen is an example of doing these steps. She is on the Shaklee Pure Performance Olympic team going to Brazil this summer. She eats well and takes Shaklee’s pure products that give her the cutting edge for the world sports stage.


We all have our dream of getting to the next level in our lives. Why not give your body the best food, supplements and activity so you can do and feel your best?

I love helping people achieve their next level of health. Contact me for more info on how I can help you!

Wanted: An entrepreneur who appreciates the unlimited income, time freedom and travel like the rich and famous.



I’m looking for an entrepreneur who has dedication and passion for helping others. This can lead to Shaklee Star treatment, gifts, and recognition in Orlando during the global Shaklee Live Event in August. I am looking for someone who is ready NOW! Contact me to get started. #LiveAmazing #ShakleeEffect

Live Life With Zest,







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Free shipping for orders over $75 until January 31st. PLUS: Sign up for the Fresh Start/Foods Rule Class by January 31st for a significant discount!

Slim young woman measuring her thin waist with a tape measure close up ** Note: Shallow depth of field

What causes that extra padding around your middle beyond calories?

  1. Insulin Resistance. Eating the high carb diet that most of us eat (including alcohol and sugar) for just a few years, the body has learned not to respond to insulin. So the blood sugar level rises and quickly converts to fat. The belly is the best place to store that fat.
  2. Adrenal Fatigue. Due to the fact that we are under constant stress, our bodies are releasing cortisol and adrenaline that signals the body to release sugar for fighting or fleeing. Since we don’t live in a world where we use that sugar (our true fight or flight response is rarely activated), that sugar gets stored as fat.

These are the best ways to whittle your middle:

  1. Eat foods or drink shakes that are balanced. That keeps our blood sugar levels even (no need for insulin) and we avoid cravings. It can be a balanced meal or snack (like a food or whole food supplement). Balanced means eating a combination of protein (builders), carbohydrates (quick energy) and fats (good for skin, hair nails, hormones) in a ratio that gives us immediate and sustained energy, so sugar levels don’t rise (we won’t get cravings) and it won’t get stored as fat.Shaklee’s Life Plan Shake, Shaklee 180 meal in a bar and Shaklee 180 snack bars are balanced and will keep your insulin working for you!I am offering a class to help you use food, supplements, exercise and positive thinking to balance your body.
  1. Exercise in a way to build muscle. Weight training, yoga, and interval training can build muscle. Muscle takes up less space so you look leaner as the scale numbers go down. More muscle means more energy and higher metabolism. Here’s a bonus: Shaklee’s Life Plan shakes contain the amino acid leucine that helps retain and build muscle. Clients are so encouraged when they look thinner sooner with these shakes and Shaklee 180 Program. The news is all good with insulin too! The more muscle you have, the less you need to release insulin.
  1. Find ways to reduce your stress level and cortisone levels. By reducing cortisol levels you are effecting how your body stores fat. Shaklee has a 30 minute Stress Relief herbal supplement to minimize the stress burden on the body. It contains Ashwaganda (a body balancer), L-theanine (to stay relaxed and alert), Beta-Sitosterol (which reduces cortisone levels).Meditation, yoga or Chi Kung, for 20 minutes daily also teaches you how not to live your life with your foot constantly on the accelerator!
  1. Build healthy gut flora. Studies show that gut flora plays a large role in weight control. Populating your gut with healthy bacteria helps with digestion and metabolizing your food. Shaklee’s Life Plan shake is a meal, plus it contains pre and post biotic (which help with digestion and metabolism).Shaklee’s Optiflora pre and post biotic is a system that builds gut flora. What makes this system unique is the little pearl in the system, which is triple encapsulated. The bacteria numbers stay intact as it passes through the stomach and small intestine and gets released in the large intestine.The new Fresh Start Cleanse is a program will help you build you digestive flora with specific foods and supplements.
  1. Get a metabolic boost. The ingredients in Shaklee’s Metabolic Boost contain ingredients to help with Insulin Resistance (which reduces cravings and helps release energy) as well as EGCG, which is commonly found in green tea and is known to increase calorie burning. Shaklee 180 Energy Tea also contains calorie-burning EGCG to increase metabolism and give you a boost of energy!

Knowledge is power! We have products that have been scientifically proven to work. Shaklee weight loss participant’s have lost over 3 million pounds! I am offering a fabulous program with 20 years of research that can be accomplished individually, in our group or in person in a 6-week Fresh Start/Foods Rule program.


I have 28 years of experience in helping people re-commit to their health goals And reclaim your optimal health.

It is your time to own your health, let me help you! Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 3.55.46 PM

I also recently discovered this awesome company called Bring the Gym to Me. With a network of over 500 fitness instructors, they will match you with a personal trainer or fitness instructor that is perfect for you. With classes like Yoga, Pilates or one on one training. The best part, is that the trainer comes straight to your home(!) with workouts scheduled and customized to suit your needs. Check them out at http://www.bringthegymtome.com.

Email or call/text to find out what will work for you. diana@zestylifenyc.com or 216-526-5496.

Live Life With Zest,



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Special! Free shipping on orders over $75. Offer ends July 15th. 

Woman with sun-shaped sun cream on tropical beach

You’re off to your beach. You’ve just lost 10 pounds, your clothes are looking great on your new trim body.

What shall I pack? Consider packing a trim mindset.

It does not take long when we are out of our daily habits to lose ground and regain those 10 pounds! Here are 8 tips to help you stay on track:

1. You accomplished your goal by becoming aware of what habits needed to change, what were those habits? Perhaps, it was drinking 2 glasses of wine everyday. Make a list so you can, with a mindset decide, beforehand what you need to do to keep that weight off.

2. Check out where you are going. What kind of food do they have there? What
are the best restaurants for healthy, tasty food? Don’t go there blindly. Find our what you want to eat beforehand, and be positive! Be a foodie about what is healthier.

3. Create a journal about which local foods you love and that love you, and get recipes to explore when you go home.

4. Have packaged smoothees once a day, preferably at breakfast to start your day and your blood sugar off right. Shaklee 180 Smoothee Packets work well for me.

5. Don’t leaving snacking to chance, carry snack bars, nuts or what else is portable.

6. Take your vitamins, keep your body’s energy consistent that will effect your food choices. We all know how our willpower is when we are crabby, tired or feeling “off.”

7. Drink enough water, best if it is lemon water. This will keep your body alkaline. This strengthens the immune system.

8. Avoid sugary foods, that will effect your mood and enjoyment. Sugary foods will affect your immune system for things like sinus infections. Your body is out of it’s normal habit with the travel, and lots of sugar makes you feel even more out of it! Carry around Shaklee’s Optiflora, it will help with sugar cravings and immune system.

The right mindset about travel and celebrating will make a huge difference in how your trip goes. It is no fun being sick in a hotel room on your dream vacation!

Hear more tips on travel and health on web radio on July 23.

How about those 10 pounds? Want a convenient way to let go of them? Shaklee 180 helps you lose the fat and keep the muscle, the key to keeping your weight off.

Live Life With Zest,



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Happy Valentines Day from my heart to your strong healthy heart!

ladderThe human heart is one hard-working muscle – even though it is actually no bigger than your fist! It is one tough muscle that beats over 100,000 times every day.

We tend to take it’s hard work for granted but once your blood pressure starts to increase and your cholesterol numbers are off, it is crucial to not to take your ticker for granted.  We talked about the ladder of health last time and how our health will change if we don’t take action. So, from high blood pressure or high cholesterol, your risk for heart attack or a stroke increases and you move to illness. We tend to think this can only happen to someone else!

What’s worse, heart attacks and strokes are the number two cause of death, and someone dies from heart disease every 7 minutes!


Here are some fabulous natural approaches with regimes specifically for prevention.

OmegGuard – a complete omega 3 fatty acid that supports

CoQheartTaking Statins decreases this important energy enzyme, as does age, so it is important to take daily. Cinical tests proved Shaklee’s delivered 33 to 500% more than other brands!

Cholesterol Reduction Complex – lowers cholesterol naturally without side effects

Garlic Complex – promotes cardiovascular health by retaining normal blood pressure and cholesterol

This regime supports healthy flexible blood vessels so your blood pressure doesn’t increase and your heart doesn’t have to work so hard

SPECIAL: both combinations are currently 30% off from Shaklee with any order! Also, enjoy free shipping for orders over $75. This offer is on until February 16th.

When it comes to your heart be true by your daily actions:

1. Strengthen your heart muscle with both cardio and strength training. When you exercise know your target range. Take 220 and subtract your age age=_______ multiply that times 60 and that equals 85%% of your maximum heart rate. Read more here.

2. Strive for your ideal weight to lessen the strain on the heart. The Shaklee 180 program is fabulous for helping you lose the fat – NOT MUSCLE – (as in heart)

3. Eat to reduce inflammation, which strains the blood vessels, so try adding more veggies to your lunch and dinner.

4. Find balance and joy in your work and private life. Do you LOVE what you do? Do you have support in your private life? Be true to your heart’s desire.

Be true to you heart and I wish Much Joy this Valenties Day!

Live Life With Zest,

diana signature

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last day

Happy New Year!

With the New Year begins the race to lose weight. We make resolutions, join gyms and eat less. But, within a week or two we are back to our old habits again! We are back to our food addictions and unhealthy lifestyles again! That’s the definition of crazy, isn’t it? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It’s time to embrace self-care back into our lives. That means living consciously where we make decisions based on what we eat and how hard we work so we can build a healthy, vibrant body.

We give up on our new healthy habits because we don’t see instant results. So how fast is fast enough? How fast we lose weight does matter. No one loses 11 pounds in a week and keeps it off. It is the small, consistent changes that make the big difference, and most of the time, diet and exercise alone doesn’t work!

Photo Source: Bigstock

Photo Source: Bigstock

To kick start your new healthy year, I am offering you the opportunity to take THE CHALLENGE, WIN WEEKLY PRIZES OR MAYBE THE FIRST PLACE PRIZE OF $500!

Jacqui McCoy, a television personality from Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition, gave Shaklee a challenge to lose 40,000 pounds as a group between January 6th and March 31st. So do you want to be part of a challenge to lose 10 pounds or more? Jacqui knows that diet and exercise alone doesn’t always work. She has a compelling story. She was 30 years old, obese and had a disease that prevented her from having a baby. She wanted desperately to have one.

She successfully lost 207 pounds in one year on the TV show Extreme Makeover. Her job that year was to eat right and exercise to get her body back, and she did it! However, her hormones were still out of balance and she was unable to conceive. What was worse, she started to gain her weight back! Her mother recently lost weight on the Shaklee 180 program. Jacqui loved the convenience of the Shaklee 180 Smoothees, Metabolic Boost, Energizing Teas and she only had to prepare one meal per day. With Shaklee, she had natural nutrition to fill in the gaps! She felt great and was losing 1-2 pounds per week. The best news is that she had a baby girl last August!

What health goals do you have? Would you like to feel good in your body? My challenge involves a 90-day program where you can address the simple lifestyle changes that make weight loss sustainable and gets your body functioning at its best. Forget about quick fixes and yo-yo dieting – slow and steady wins the race. Take the challenge today! 

Get started by e-mailing me at diana@zestylifenyc.com or calling 216-526-5496.

Live Life With Zest,

diana signature

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I don’t want to have any regrets this year. Being healthy is not a given – it’s something you have to work for. As the expression goes, “if you ignore your health, it will go away.” This is a great time to think about what you’ve done well, what has worked for you, and what you want to change for the better for next year. These four steps will help you feel better, look better and take control of your destiny.

1. What did you accomplish this year? Instead of focusing on what you didn’t do, it’s time to find your supportive voice. Take stock on what you did accomplish this year. Did you start to exercise once a week? You can burn 350 calories with a strength training class and lose a pound every 10 weeks. It is a good trend. If you did nothing, and lose muscle every year and you’ll gain fat by sticking with the status quo! Ouch!

So for the next week, I want you to write down what you did well in 2014. Build that supportive voice muscle!

2. Do a Wellness Evaluation with an RN and health coach like myself. Issues like stress, digestion, being sick too often, brain fog, migraines and weight loss do well with looking at lifestyles issues and a stress reduction program. The Wellness Evaluation I work with will get to the source of most health challenges and help you find what nutrients you are missing (and the supplements and foods will fill in the gaps), what foods you are sensitive to, and pinpoint the bad habits that are detrimental to your health.

The Wellness Evaluation is a great start to achieving better health.  By taking it a step further and investing in my three month program you can start to develop new solutions to habits that are holding you back. It’s interesting how one challenge can not only effect your weight, but how you perform at your job!

3. Do a short healthy detox. January 5th is a good day to start a five-day “Kick Start Detox.” You will feel and look like a million bucks and this will spur you on begin your 2015 program.

We are starting a group that meets once a week on the phone and once a month in person. Email me if you are interested. Spots are filling up fast! Research shows that making changes in a supportive group setting will help you be more successful.



4. Make a game plan today for how you will improve your health this year. The Shaklee 180 health programs make it easy to reach your goals. Some of the benefits are:

  • It’s very convenient
  • As you make changes you learn new habits
  • It is balanced, healthy and preserves lean muscle
  • It costs the same as eating out for lunch
  • It is on special until December 31st
  • You will see results sooner – because you’ll be losing fat, not muscle.


Here is an amazing story from the Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. Jacqui Mccoy lost 207 pound on this TV show in one year. She was driven by the desire to have a baby, but was not able to at her weight. Her success was shown on an hour Friday night special. When the year was over and she started training others to do the same food and exercise program, she was shocked when she started to gain back the weight and her hormones were a mess. Jacqui was convinced by her mothers weight loss to try the Shaklee 180 program. She lost the new 80 pounds with ease and the best testament to how healthy a program it is, is that last September she finally achieved her dream of a baby!

Here is the special:

Shaklee 180 Kits

Starting January – March 2015 There will be 4,000 of us losing at least 10 pounds for a 40,000 pound challenge Jacqui McCoy gave us!

What is your dream for better health in the New Year? I would love to help you identify your vision, and clarify and set your goals. With my help you can develop your supportive voice as well as corrective strategies along the way and achieve your goals!

Don’t ever let anyone talk you out of your dreams, just because they have given up on theirs.

Live Life With Zest,

diana signature

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You don’t have to be a football fan to appreciate the Super Bowl. You don’t have to be a fan and not know that the Seattle Seahawks will be playing this Sunday in the Super Bowl. One of the reasons why the Seattle Seahawks are in the Super Bowl is because they have a strong defense.

To build their strong defense, they had to planned, recruited the best players and built the foundation for their defense team.

Our immune system in our bodies is the same. We need to plan, recruit and build a foundation for a strong immune system that will defend us against viruses, colds, the flu, bronchitis, cancer, etc. Environmental toxins can also trigger immune system breakdown.  Every season we hear of outbreaks of avian flu, SARS, other kinds of potential epidemics. If you ever been knocked down by a cold or the flu, you usually take a cold medicine which makes you groggy and you feel fine for a few hours. I personally like to avoid being sick all together. So instead of taking some over-the-counter medicine, have you thought of building a strong foundation for your immune system?

Your plan is to reconfigure your medicine cabinet with supplements and herbs that empower your immune system. Recruit your immune defense team: Nutriferon, a shield against coughs, sneezes, sick little kids, etc. And finally build your foundation so that if a bug does try to knock you down, you standing on a strong foundation built with Vitalizer, Shaklee 180 Smoothee and Vivix.

So when you see those guys banging against each other on Super Bowl Sunday, remember DEFENSE is the name of the game! I don’t know who you’ll be rooting for on Sunday, but this is my Super Bowl team – don’t forget to recruit them for your team!


Live life with ZEST!


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Stump for gift ideas this holiday? Every year friends and family call me for great, good quality gift ideas. This year, I decided to create a list and yes, I did checked it twice and below are my favorite picks.

Shop from now till November 30th and get FREE shipping for orders over $75.00.

Let the shopping begin!



  • 180 Pomegranate Tea Stick(s) with a Girardelli Chocolate Square with a little note to “enjoy this gift of energy” and to “remember to enjoy all antioxidants all year long.”
  • Energy Chews with a little note to “enjoy the energizing treat of Olympians.”
  • 180 Drink Mix Packet with a little note “a gift of healthy fast food this busy season.”



  • Performance Sports Drink (Orange or Lemon-Lime), 180 Snack Bars, and Joint & Muscle Pain Cream along with a sports bottle, football, soccer ball, a signed ball or signed photograph.
  • 180 Snack Crisps (Sea Salt or Barbecue or both) in a basket circled with ribbon along with some movies or a subscription to NetFlix, etc.




chai tea

  • Cocoa Energizing Soy Protein with the recipe for cocoa soy-peanut butter “energy balls” and a festive container full of them.  Or Instant Protein with a container of fruit or chocolate dessert bars made with it and the recipes.
  • Travel Bag filled with ENFUSELLE Products along with travel magazines and/or a video of a fun destination.
  • Chewable C and/or ENERGY CHEWS in a beautiful candy dish wrapped with a big bow.
  • Instant Protein Soy Mix with pumpkin bread or cranberry/orange bread you’ve made, using it as an ingredient, along with the recipe.
  • 180 Tea with a cute teapot and tea cozy or 180 Vanilla Chai with cool coffee mugs.




vanilla meal shake

  • Basic-H2 Organic Super Cleaning Wipes and Germ Off Wipes with some fun tub toys, or a set of baby clothes, blanket, etc.  (Include info why these products are safer for baby and the whole family.)
  • MIGHTY SMART “Smart Candy” with books and fun pens for a grade schooler.
  • Vita-Lea, Meal Shake and a SHAKLEE Shaker with a fun wake-up alarm clock.









If you still need more gift’s ideas, visit my online store or shoot me an email at dianamaltz@gmail.com

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and live life with Zest!

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